Wednesday 23 March 2011

Added Features to our Risk Assesment

We done most of our filming in Finsbury park where there were many dogs not on their leashes, and bike riders coming up and down the path we were filming. This meant that we had to put our equipment in a safe spot to leave and so that we can use the equipments when we required without anyone or anything damaging them. The severity of this occurring would be High and the likely hood would be Medium, as there may be some certain people who would like to steal the stuff. Here is a picture of our risk assessment that we made before hand.

Added features:

Miniature Cliffs: The severity of this would be high but the likely hood would be medium. To prevent this from happening we stayed in a perfect position which was in the middle, so that we would fall and at the same time have good amount of space to move around.

Bushes with sharp Thorns: The severity of this would be medium and the likely hood would be medium as well. There was a scene where one of our members of the group had to hide in a bush. To prevent this would be simply by filming near bushes that are harmless and stay away from the ones with the sharp edges/thorns.

Bumpy path: the severity of this would be medium and the likely hood would be Low. To prevent this would be to walk slowly but not to slow and keep an eye on where you are actually walking.

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